The Village of Oak Park | 123 Madison St.  Oak Park, IL 60302 |

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New recycling programs in the works

Three new recycling programs are being considered for Oak Park residential customers. Here's an overview:

  • Organics – The compostable food scrap pilot program tested in one collection route will be expanded Village wide in the spring. Sign-up will begin in February, with cart deliveries in March. Collections likely will begin the first full week of April. The cost will be $14 per month, in addition to the regular collection rates, but also includes yard waste, which can be comingled with the compostables. Residents can reduce costs by downsizing refuse carts or sharing compost carts with neighbors.
  • Unused medications – A Keep Illinois Beautiful grant will be used to purchase a secure container to collect unused and expired medications in the lobby of the Police Department in Village Hall, 123 Madison St. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency will collect and dispose of the medications. The Village also is investigating a program that would add a separate locked collection container for sharp items such as hypodermic needles.
  • Carpet – The Village is exploring the feasibility of implementing a drop-off collection program for carpeting. Two recycling companies have contacted the Village to discuss their programs. More details will be provided as they become available.

For more information recycling in Oak Park, call 708.358.5700 or e-mail